Kharghar Medicity Hospital – Your Trusted Healthcare Partner in Navi Mumbai

Diagnostic Services

Diagnostic Imaging Services

Medicity Hospital’s diagnostic services facilitate the provision of timely, cost-effective, and high quality diagnostic care in safe and secure environments. We offer the latest diagnostic imaging services and tests from our best physicians, nurses, technicians and staff with assurance of reliability and accuracy.

We give our best to help patients understand their diagnosis and healthcare options accurately. All facilities are fully equipped with most sophisticated & latest equipment to deliver accurate & reliable report which is an integral part of medical treatment.

The departments like Accident surgery, General surgery or casualty etc provide 24 hour service to our patients along with emergency care and facilities. Cashless facility is also available in special cases to provide relief to the patient’s family.

General Pathology Lab Test

Pathology is a medical specialty that determines the cause and nature of diseases by examining and testing body tissues (from biopsies and pap smears) and bodily fluids (from samples including blood and urine). The results from these pathology tests help doctors diagnose and treat patients correctly. From then on we rely on blood tests, biopsies and a multitude of other pathology tests to prevent, diagnose and treat infections, allergies chronic diseases, cancers and countless other medical conditions.


When it comes to pathology blood tests, the Complete blood count is one of the foremost medical practices and is very often considered to be the starting point for most medical investigations. The complete blood count takes into consideration the levels of all constituents of the blood- the red blood cells, the white blood cells and the platelets. Not only are the numbers counted but their proportions as well as overall hemoglobin levels are also measured in this test.

The pathology test results are also used during a surgical procedure in order to help the surgeon make some decisions regarding the best method of operation. The tissue may also be analyzed and reanalyzed over the next few days as the medical team observes the changes in the body through the recovery process and ensure that everything is as it should be.


Pathologists usually work in tandem with surgeons and play a critical role in the identification of the tissue removed during the process of a surgery – particularly in cases when there is a tumor suspected.

Pathologists are able to analyze a sample of tissue, whilst the surgery is still being conducted and advise the surgeon on the findings. This instant diagnosis is of great assistance to the surgeon as it helps in determining the next step in the surgical treatment of the patient. The tissue is analysed over the next few days after the surgery in order to accurately diagnose the spread and the prognosis of the ailment.

2D Echocardiography (2D Echo)

Two-Dimensional Echocardiography can provide excellent images of the heart, paracardiac structures, and the great vessel. Our physician will use the measurements to determine how your heart is working and whether or not any abnormalities are present. A Doppler echo is often done at the same time in order to determine how the blood flows in your heart. The swishing sounds you hear during the test indicate blood flowing through the valves and chambers.


During a standard echo, the sound waves are directed to the heart from a small hand-held device called a transducer, which sends and receives signals. Heart walls and valves reflect part of the sound waves back to the transducer to produce pictures of the heart. These images appear in black and white and in color on a TV screen. They're selectively recorded on videotape and special paper, and reviewed and interpreted by a cardiologist (heart specialist). From the pictures it is possible to measure the size of each part of your heart, to study motion and appearance of the valves and the function of the heart muscle.


The test is performed for a variety of reasons:

  • To detect abnormal heart valves i.e. the atria and the ventricles which are concerned with the distribution of blood.
  • To detect abnormal heart rhythms like tachycardia i.e. rapid increase in beating of the heart to brachycardia i.e. rapid decrease in beating of the heart
  • To observe for any damage that the heart might have taken after a heart attack
  • To look for heart murmurs.

This kind of test is perfectly safe and should be performed in an environment with a trained sonographer present. Patients are advised to speak to their cardiologist before taking any medication or changing their routine. There are no special preparations a patient needs to take for this test but diabetic patients should always consult their doctor who must be kept well informed before undergoing echocardiography or altering existing medication dosage. It is recommended for any people who might be feeling abnormal pain in the heart or chest area

Ultrasound Scan

Ultrasound ia a diagnostic imaging technique used to visualize subcutaneous body structures including tendons, muscles, joints, vessels and internal organs. Ultrasounds are commonly used to detect or aid in the detection of abnormalities and conditions related to pregnancy. Ultrasounds are usually combined with other tests, such as dual marker, triple marker tests, to validate a diagnosis.


After positioning the patient, the radiologist will apply a warm water-based gel to the area of the body being studied. The gel will help the transducer make secure contact with the body and eliminate air pockets between the transducer and the skin that can block the sound waves from passing into your body. The transducer is placed on the body and moved back and forth over the area of interest until the desired images are captured.

The benefits of ultrasound techniques are:

  • Most ultrasound scanning is non-invasive.
  • An ultrasound exam may be temporarily uncomfortable, but it should not be painful.
  • Ultrasound imaging is extremely safe and does not use any ionizing radiation.
  • Ultrasound allows the doctor to see inside the uterus and provides much information about the pregnancy.

There aren’t any harmful effects on humans when it comes to diagnostic ultrasound.

Electrocardiogram Test (ECG or EKG)

An ecg test is a test that checks for issues with the electrical activity of the heart during expansion and contraction. The ekg test machine is the machine that records the activity taking place and displays in the form of waves. It’s common for doctors to look at the dips and spikes on readings to be used as a way to interpret the health of the heart and the body overall. If the beating of the heart is not within the safe range, then the patient would be suffering from arrhythmia.


After positioning the patient, the radiologist will apply a warm water-based gel to the area of the body being studied. The gel will help the transducer make secure contact with the body and eliminate air pockets between the transducer and the skin that can block the sound waves from passing into your body. The transducer is placed on the body and moved back and forth over the area of interest until the desired images are captured.

The ecg test is conducted by placing electrodes on the limbs and the chest of the patient. A gel is applied on the spots where the electrodes have to be connected. Often, hairy patients who take an ekg test have to have the hair from their body shaved off before placing the electrodes as it could interfere with recording heart activity at the ecg center.

The benefits of ECG tests are:

  • helps to determine if the pain is coming from the heart or from another organ in the body.
  • help doctors determine other heart problems like imbalances in the blood chemicals that control heart activity, cardiac arrest taking place, inflammation of the heart, poor blood supply to the heart, congenital defects involving the electrical systems of the heart and enlargements of the heart.


Gastroscopy is an examination of the upper digestive tract (the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum) using an endoscope — a long, thin, flexible tube containing a camera and a light — to view the lining of these organs. It is usually done to investigate the cause of symptoms such as heartburn, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, vomiting or bleeding from the digestive tract, and to make or confirm a diagnosis.


You will be asked not to eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours before a gastroscopy. If you are taking any medicines, check with your doctor if it is all right to continue taking them. You may be asked to stop taking medicines that can increase the risk of bleeding for a few days before the test; these include warfarin, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medicines. However, this depends on your individual circumstances, so you should check.


You will be asked to lie flat, usually on your left side. You are usually given a sedative and sometimes a pain-reliever medicine by injection into a vein. The sedative will help you to relax, and may put you to sleep. Generally, you will have little recollection of the procedure. In some cases, the procedure can be done without the sedative - you need to discuss this with the doctor before you sign the consent form.


  • You may have a slightly sore throat after the procedure. Air may also be trapped in your stomach causing you to feel bloated.
  • There is a small chance of bleeding after the procedure, especially If a biopsy has been taken or treatment performed. Any bleeding is usually minor.
  • Complications resulting from being sedated are also possible, but again rare.

Digital X-Ray

A Digital X-Ray facility provides immediate processing and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. This allows applications in all routine X-rays as well as specialized imaging studies like IVP. A Digital X-Ray facility provides images to be viewed on-screen within minutes. A radiologist typically views and interprets the results.


You will be required to remove all jewelry and wear a gown provided at our centre during the x-ray examination because metal and certain clothing can obscure the images and require repeat studies.


The benefits of digital X-Ray are:

  • X-ray equipment is relatively inexpensive and widely available in emergency rooms, physician offices, ambulatory care centers, nursing homes and other locations, making it convenient for both patient and physicians.
  • Because x-ray imaging is fast and easy, it is particularly useful in emergency diagnosis and treatment.
  • No radiation remains in a patient’s body after an x-ray examination.

Women should always inform their physicians or x-ray technologist if there is any possibility that they are pregnant.

Colour Doppler Test

A Doppler ultrasound, also called a Color Doppler test is a non-invasive test that can be used to estimate your blood flow through blood vessels. It helps doctors evaluate blood flow through major arteries and veins, such as those of the arms, legs, and neck. It can show blocked or reduced flow of blood through narrow areas in the major arteries of the neck that could cause a stroke. It also can reveal blood clots in leg veins (deep vein thrombosis, or DVT) that could break loose and block blood flow to the lungs (pulmonary embolism). During pregnancy, Doppler ultrasound may be used to look at blood flow in an unborn baby (foetus) to check the health of the foetus.


Generally, no prior preparation, such as fasting, is required.



The benefits of digital X-Ray are:

  • Renal
  • Single Limb Doppler
  • Dual Limb Doppler
  • Abdominal
  • Carotid
  • Gravid Uterus

Treadmill Test (TMT)

A stress test is one way to determine fitness and capability. The tests can take place on a stationary cycle or on a treadmill. Stress tests also check to determine if the flow of blood to the patients heart is adequate when heart rate activity goes up. If a patient is on medication for a heart problem that occurred previously, a treadmill test can be used to evaluate how effective the heart medication is.



A stress test is one way to determine fitness and capability. The tests can take place on a stationary cycle or on a treadmill. Stress tests also check to determine if the flow of blood to the patients heart is adequate when heart rate activity goes up. If a patient is on medication for a heart problem that occurred previously, a treadmill test can be used to evaluate how effective the heart medication is.



Colonoscopy Test

A colonoscopy is a procedure to look at the inside of the colon. The colon is the large intestine and the last part of the digestive system. The colon dries, processes, and eliminates the waste left after the small intestine has absorbed the nutrients in food. The colon is about 3 to 5 feet long. It travels from the lower right corner of the abdomen (where the small intestine ends) up to the liver, across the body to the spleen in the upper left corner and then down to form the rectum and anus. 


The doctor will use an instrument called the colonoscope to perform a colonoscopy. It is a long (about 5 feet), thin (about 1 inch), flexible fiberoptic camera that allows the doctor to visualize the entire colon. A doctor may order a colonoscopy to investigate many different diseases of the colon.


Colonoscopy is best known for its use as a screening tool for the early detection of colorectal cancer. The doctor may recommend this test if other screening tests such as a manual rectal examination, a fecal occult blood test (a test that detects blood in the feces), or a barium enema (a test in which barium is used to make the colon visible on an X-ray) suggest that further information is needed to make a diagnosis.